Category: Graded Activity

Component Evaluation: Reimaging Sites of Care

Component Evaluation: Reimaging Sites of Care Timing: 60 minutes; flexible Mode: In-class; Online Disability justice scholars have theorized and dreamed up ideas around care work and communities. Care is understood as relational and involving feelings, practices, and labour that connect people together. In disability circles, care is about collectivity and resistance to the ableist structures …

Component Evaluation: Community Grant Proposal

Component Evaluation: Community Grant Proposal Time: 120 minutes; flexible Mode: In class; Online Community art collaborations are supported by a variety of institutions that help fund different projects. This funding is a crucial part of ensuring the larger success of a project. Funding allows organizers to be paid, to seek out needed materials, and the …

Component Evaluation: Planning

Component Evaluation: Architectural Planning Timing: 60 Minutes, flexible Mode: In-class; Online Use a free software design program or paper and pencils, have students create an annotated architectural design plan for a new state-of-the-art dementia care unit.  Annotations explain the rationale behind design choices and serve as critical reflections to demonstrate lessons learned from the Greenacres …

Component Evaluation: Create a Commercial

Component Evaluation: Unity Housing – Create a Commercial Timing: 45 Minutes, flexible Delivery: In-class; Online Before your students watch the video on Unity Housing, split them up into small groups and assign each group a theme to gather insights about: Supportive housing models with democratic processes Members as workers/staff Limitations of low levels of staff …