Category: Field of Study

Components: Self-Guided

Components: Radio Plays – Self Guided Learning Timing: 60 minutes Mode: In-class; Online Instructors can assign either Radio Play 1 and its accompanying commentary or Radio Play 2 and its accompanying commentary for students to listen to online or in class.  Students should listen to their assigned play and take note of words and ideas …

Us and Them

Us and Them Unit Takeaways Recognize the profound dislocation of self and identity in mental health crises Appreciate the importance (and challenges) of empathic and critically-informed practice in bridging the distance between mental health practitioner and service user Component The component for this unit is a reflection on the distance between the patient and the …

What If?

What If? Unit Takeaways Recognize stigmatizing attitudes toward mental health and mental health patients, as compared to other medicalized conditions and patients categories Component The component for this unit is “What If? …Cancer Prisons,” a short satirical essay that contrasts attitudes toward cancer patients and mental health patients. Written by a Mad School community expert …

From Stigma to Action

    From Stigma to Action Unit Takeaways Understand the importance of adequate personal and systemic support in ameliorating discrimination and marginalization in mental health Appreciate the role of empathic knowledge informed by lived experience in fostering successful advocacy and activism Components The components for this unit are frontline stories of marginalization, discrimination, and nascent …

1940s Mental Health Radio Plays

  1940s Mental Health Radio Plays Unit Takeaways Relate social norms and notions of normal to the construction of good mental health, as viewed by mental health experts, the media and the wider society Appreciate the power of authoritative knowledge brokers, i.e. mental health practitioners, the media, and public mental health educators in constructing notions …

Component Evaluation: Asking for Funding

Component Evaluation: Asking for Funding Time: 30 minutes Mode: In class; Online In September 2015, the Gallery Gachet Collective learned that their primary source of operational funding, the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (the regional health), were cutting all financial assistance to the organization.  After students have viewed the Gachet video, share news of this decision …

Component Evaluation: Role Play

Component Evaluation: Unity Housing – Role Play Timing: 30 Minutes Delivery: In-class These teaching resources were co-created by university instructors and “community experts”, people who have used mental health services. Community experts contributed ideas but also made their own components. The Unity Housing: A Better Way video is one of these components. Community expert Alex …

Component Evaluation: Themes and Analysis

Component Evaluation: Unity Housing – Themes and Analysis Timing: 30 Minutes Mode: In-class; Online Write these themes on small pieces of paper: Supportive housing models with democratic processes Members as workers/staff Limitations of low levels of staff Peer support Voluntary participation Isolation and social exclusion Poverty Barriers to education and employment Then distribute these pieces …

Component Evaluation: Create a Commercial

Component Evaluation: Unity Housing – Create a Commercial Timing: 45 Minutes, flexible Delivery: In-class; Online Before your students watch the video on Unity Housing, split them up into small groups and assign each group a theme to gather insights about: Supportive housing models with democratic processes Members as workers/staff Limitations of low levels of staff …

Component Evaluation: The Valleyview Legacy

Component Evaluation: Moyra Jones – The Valleyview Legacy Timing: 30 Minutes Mode: In-class; Online Introduce this exercise by asking learners to decide on 3 words that best describe Moyra Jones.  Then have students make a mind map or infographic that visually depicts core values embedded within the ideas and practices of Moyra Jones and her …