Category: Flexible

Component Evaluation: Discussion

Component Evaluation: Discussion Time: 45 minutes; flexible Format: In-Class; online After the going through the module and unit content a hold a discussion that looks at the significance of art, activism, community-making, and self: How do these artists portray and discuss interlocking oppressions and engage in activism? How does artmaking contribute to community and collective …

Component Evaluation: Reimaging Sites of Care

Component Evaluation: Reimaging Sites of Care Timing: 60 minutes; flexible Mode: In-class; Online Disability justice scholars have theorized and dreamed up ideas around care work and communities. Care is understood as relational and involving feelings, practices, and labour that connect people together. In disability circles, care is about collectivity and resistance to the ableist structures …

Component Evaluation: Language and Visualization

Component Evaluation: Language and Visualization Timing: 35 minutes; flexible Mode: In-class OPTION 1: In groups of 2-4 have students write down the word capitalism on a blank sheet of paper. Ask them to visualize the connections between capitalism, oppressions, and mental health that are discussed in Cheers to Capitalism. Once those connections are established, encourage …

Component Evaluation: Knowledge Mobilization

Component Evaluation: Knowledge Mobilization Timing: 120 minutes; flexible Mode: In-class; online Knowledge mobilization is about making research accessible outside of academia. It involves information sharing and takes many forms. These forms include things like social media campaigns, infographics, websites, games, podcasts, and much more.  For this exercise have your students work in groups of 2-3 …

Component Evaluation: Discussion

Component Evaluation: Discussion Based Activity Timing: 30 minutes; flexible Mode: In-class; online After going through the module and unit content hold a discussion that looks at the various intersections pointed out by Ashley. You may also post these questions to an online forum for an asynchronous discussion. What do interlocking oppressions allow us to understand …

Component Evaluation: Community Grant Proposal

Component Evaluation: Community Grant Proposal Time: 120 minutes; flexible Mode: In class; Online Community art collaborations are supported by a variety of institutions that help fund different projects. This funding is a crucial part of ensuring the larger success of a project. Funding allows organizers to be paid, to seek out needed materials, and the …