Category: Medicine & Power

Component Exploration

Component Exploration: “Inexplicable Maze” Timing: 30 Minutes Mode: In-Class; Online Ashley T. is a young bisexual, Black, biracial woman diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder-Type two. The first component for this unit is her Inexplicable Maze painting  that expresses her experience trying to navigate a system that was not built for her. Additional components are her artist’s …

Component Evaluation: Knowledge Mobilization

Component Evaluation: Knowledge Mobilization Timing: 120 minutes; flexible Mode: In-class; online Knowledge mobilization is about making research accessible outside of academia. It involves information sharing and takes many forms. These forms include things like social media campaigns, infographics, websites, games, podcasts, and much more.  For this exercise have your students work in groups of 2-3 …

Component Evaluation: Discussion

Component Evaluation: Discussion Based Activity Timing: 30 minutes; flexible Mode: In-class; online After going through the module and unit content hold a discussion that looks at the various intersections pointed out by Ashley. You may also post these questions to an online forum for an asynchronous discussion. What do interlocking oppressions allow us to understand …

The “Inexplicable Maze”

The “Inexplicable Maze” Unit Takeaways Recognize that the mental health system is structured to enforce racism, sexism, sanism, and other forms of oppression Understand the effects of trying to navigate a system that has been created and mobilized to oppress, negate, and abuse those who are already marginalized Appreciate the importance of intersectional resistance and …

Component Evaluation: Strength Through Storytelling

Component Evaluation: Strength Through Storytelling Timing: 30 minutes Mode: In class; Online Strength Through Story-telling   (poetry, spoken word, cartooning) Question Man is really Answer Man, and Shimrat’s story is about finding answers and wellbeing within the self.  In a poem, spoken word or single-frame cartoon, and using the following questions as guides, have students depict …

Components: Self-Guided

Components: Self-Guided Timing: 10 Minutes Mode: In-class; Online Irit Shimrat’s short video illuminates both the extreme loss of self that is characteristic of emotional and mental crisis and the potential for personal resiliency in difficult circumstances. Educators and learners can use this component to explore patient-practitioner relationships and the potential for different approaches to healing. …

Component Evaluation: Expressing Ideas in Art

Component Evaluation: Expressing Ideas in Art Timing: 30 Minutes Mode: In-Class; Online An art intervention can be an original piece of art or an interaction with art that has been created by another person.  Exploring course content through the production of artistic interventions allows students to process information in a multimodal fashion. Ask students to look …

Component Evaluation: Mobile as Metaphor

Component Evaluation: MoVay’s Way – Mobile as Metaphor Timing: 30 Minutes, flexible Mode: Online MoVay’s Way is an art intervention, a nuanced call for broader approaches to wellbeing that value the spiritual, the social, and the physical.  MoVay’s creator is focusing on the importance of balance, and this learning activity invites students to consider the …

Evaluate: Responding / Working Through

Component Evaluation: Mo-Vay’s Way – Responding and Working Through Timing: 15 minutes Mode: In-class; Online MoVay’s Way allows students to engage with complex ideas in an open and innovative way. Students can begin by watching the puppet show. Free writing, in response to the puppet show, is a good way to motivate your students to …