Category: Writing

Component Evaluation: Creating a Play

Component Evaluation: Creating a Radio Play Timing: 30 Minutes Mode: In-class These radio plays help us to understand the socio-political-historical context in which madness is defined and managed.  The act of writing a script for a current radio play prescribing “appropriate” behaviour allows students to explore how socio-political influences impact what we see as pathological …

Component Evaluation: Asking for Funding

Component Evaluation: Asking for Funding Time: 30 minutes Mode: In class; Online In September 2015, the Gallery Gachet Collective learned that their primary source of operational funding, the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (the regional health), were cutting all financial assistance to the organization.  After students have viewed the Gachet video, share news of this decision …

Component Evaluation: The Valleyview Legacy

Component Evaluation: Moyra Jones – The Valleyview Legacy Timing: 30 Minutes Mode: In-class; Online Introduce this exercise by asking learners to decide on 3 words that best describe Moyra Jones.  Then have students make a mind map or infographic that visually depicts core values embedded within the ideas and practices of Moyra Jones and her …